Services / Suspended Concealed Systems

Concealed Suspended Systems
Suspended Conceled.

Fore a High Quality Structures.


Based on the performance requirement, the plasterboard needs to be selected — RG for general applications; MR for humid and aerated area application; FW for enhanced fire resistance; etc.

Wall angle fixed at the perimeter on which Furring channel at 90°is supported. The plasterboard is screw fixed to its underside.

Main Channel (MC) - Horizontal member at Max. 1200mm” centers, with 38mm minimum web width.

Vertical member of variable length- identical to the Main Channel, screw fixed to the Main channel at Max. 1200mm* intervals.

Hat shaped Furring channel running cross-wise and screw fixed to the Main Channel at Max. 600mm* centers.

Used for fixing the MC - suspensions to the slabs and wall angles to the wall respectively at Max. 600mm centers.

Used for screw fixing the boards to the metal structures; available as self-tapping or self-drilling.

Used to get an even smooth and homogeneous surface at the joints.

Applied at the perimeter areas, to achieve the necessary fire and acoustic performance.